Gianni Infantino: "Europeans must apologize for the next three thousand years"

FIFA President Gianni Infantino has responded to criticism over the holding of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Gianni Infantino. Photo - Getty

“Europeans teach many, many lessons. I am European. I think that for what we Europeans have been doing around the world for the last three thousand years, we must apologize for the next 3 thousand years before teaching people morality.

Who is really interested in workers? FIFA, football, the World Cup and, frankly, Qatar too. A few days ago I was at an event where we explained what we are doing for the disabled at this World Cup.

400 journalists gathered here, the event was covered by 4 journalists. There are 1 billion people with disabilities in the world. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Four journalists.

Europe could do the same for migrant workers as Qatar. Create several channels, several legal channels, through which some of these workers could come to Europe. They would earn little, but they would get a job, a future, hope,” said Infantino.

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  • Ярослав(YARY) - Эксперт
    19.11.2022 17:43
    Учи историю м**дак !!!
    Ни в Африке, ни на Аравийскорм полуострове раньше не было ислама. Имеено мусульманская нечисть до сих пор лезет и топчет всех других! Ещё в 1978 году Иран был светским государством, а сегодня - рассадник воинствующего ислама. Мусульмане должны стоять на коленях, а не Арабы и тем более не европейцы!
    Большинство стран Европы никогда не имели колоний ни в Африке, ни в Азии, ни на Аравийском полуострове.
    Извиняйтесь сами перед своими бывшими колониями. Зато негры из колоний скоро выкинут вас из ваших собственных стран из-за того, что вы - "толерасты"....
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