Oleksandr Ryabokon: "There cannot be a city like Chernihiv without Desna"

The former head coach of "Desna" Oleksandr Ryabokon, who is currently in the "Continent" volunteer battalion, spoke about the Gagarin Stadium in Chernihiv that was bombed by the Russians.

Alexander Ryabokon

— I clearly understood that I needed to return to Ukraine as soon as possible and take up arms. Therefore, there was no doubt. They began to look for the nearest flight and reached Kyiv via Hungary on transfers.

I saw looters being detained right at the Gagarin Stadium. One of the most valuable things that was in the base was an amber chess set that a friend gave me. This is if we do not talk about the documents, work books, which burned together with the safe due to a direct hit in that building.

I heard that Masalov's Russian passport was found in the destroyed Gagarin Stadium. What can I say, we didn't have him for very long, but I was surprised. He behaved very quietly, separated from everyone. I was surprised that the player went to play in Russia at such a time.

I hope Desna lives on. It is difficult for everyone, but I would like it to continue its existence. It seems to me that there cannot be a city like Chernihiv without "Desna".

During the war in February-March of last year, the issue of debt was closed, but no one has received anything for a long time, Ryabokon said in an interview with Sport Arena.

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