DFB ready to sue FIFA over 'One Love' armbands

The German Football Association (DFB) plans to take the International Football Federation (FIFA) to court, reports Bild.

Manuel Neuer

According to a source, the governing body of German football intends to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) over FIFA's ban on the wearing of rainbow captain's armbands at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Earlier it became known that footballers can receive yellow cards for wearing special armbands in support of LGBT people.

"FIFA banned us from displaying the symbol of diversity and human rights. They combined this ban with threats of sports sanctions without specifying them. The DFB plans to investigate whether FIFA's actions were legal," DFB spokesman Steffen Simon said.

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  • Борис Бор(Borya111) - Эксперт
    22.11.2022 20:23
    когда перед вами стоит выбор, хотите ли вы жить в ФРГ или Иране, все почему-то выбирают Германию.
    Даже зная, что там процветает эта самая... толерантность.

    Ребята, демократии без толерантности не бывает. Кому не нравится, велкам в Иран.
    • 4