Artem Frankov: “Such a charm as 5 + 1 substitutions was bought for cute brooms?!?! Why is half an hour of added annoying?

Well-known Ukrainian journalist Artem Frankov spoke about the fact that at the 2022 World Cup, the judges assign so much injury time to halves.

Artem Frankov

“About the extended stoppage time. One of the innovations of the 2022 World Cup is a detailed recording of all non-playing time, a special person with a stopwatch. So all these 20-25 minutes are unusual, but real and businesslike.

Collina was warned about this, but his interview went unnoticed. Mea kulpa, mea maxima kulpa...

Fair remark: but such a charm as 5 + 1 replacement was bought for cute brooms and even liked it?!?! Why is half an hour of added annoying?” Frankov wrote in his telegram channel.

Recall that earlier the head of the FIFA refereeing committee, Pierluigi Collina, explained the reason for such a large amount of added time at the 2022 World Cup matches.

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