Former player of the national team of Ukraine Andriy Polunin named the reasons for the autumn leadership of "Dnipro-1" in the championship of Ukraine.

— The key to success is that the coaching staff found a common language with the wards. Head coach Oleksandr Kucher told the players exactly how he wanted to see the game, and the boys understood everything. The match with Shakhtar confirmed this.
The team trains in Slovakia, and comes to Ukraine only for championship matches. This is a big plus, as football players do not hear air raids and shelling. They can train in peace, their families close and safe.
In order to become the champion of Ukraine, Dnipro-1 needs to acquire three or four more players. Yes, we have a very strong team, but we still need competition. In other words, the team has a short bench. "Most of the time, 12-14 players played in the autumn season, which is not enough, 20-22 football players should have practice," said the coach-selector of "Dnipra-1".