In the match of the 15th round of the championship of Ukraine "Lviv" - "Kolos" Pavlo Orikhovskyi scored the winning goal, realizing the penalty in the goal of "Mistyan".

Since the beginning of the current Championship, the Kovalev players have taken an 11-meter shot for the 6th time and did not lose their chance again. Shakhtar's players made the same record number of kicks from the "marks" in the current Championship, but they realized only half of the penalties.
In total, since the beginning of the Championship, the referees have already awarded 43 penalties, and 31 shots were realized: 23 times the players punched from the "mark" on their own field - 15 goals and 20 times - away: 16 goals. So far, out of 16 clubs, the players of Lviv and Ingulets have not yet executed a penalty.