Maxim Shatskikh: “A coaching victory is much more significant than a victory as a player. I'm still coming to my senses"

Ex-coach of Dynamo Kyiv Maxim Shatskikh, who is now the coach of Pakhtakor Tashkent, shared his emotions from the past season.

Maxim Shatskikh

— Maxim, you have repeatedly won the championship as a player, but for the first time as a head coach. Compare emotions and feelings.

- The victory of the team in the championship is not only my victory, but also the victory of the entire coaching staff, the victory of all employees and management of the club. As for personal feelings, I will say frankly - this achievement is much more significant than victories as a player. I still can't come to my senses!

- What is the difference between the work of an assistant coach, which you worked for at Dynamo, and a head coach?

- In responsibility. The chief is responsible for everything that happens in the team, hence the huge workload. The coaching staff is my support and help in all undertakings and the implementation of my plans.

- What was the most difficult thing in the championship? What are the three key factors that allowed you to win gold?

- There was a segment in the championship when there was a small failure in the game of Pakhtakor. Psychology, player motivation, game design - these points have been revised. I am glad that we were able to reach out to the guys, reached an understanding and things went uphill. We rebooted and brought the championship to victory.

- Your team scored the most in the championship, does this mean that you are betting on attack? What kind of football does your Pakhtakor profess?

- The team professes attacking, moderately aggressive football, that's why we score a lot of goals - after all, this is the meaning of attacking game schemes. So we are doing everything right.

- Who was the first to congratulate you on the championship, and how did you celebrate the victory?

- The first to congratulate was my wife - my like-minded person and true friend! And after the game, the whole team was invited by the club management to a banquet, where there were many toasts, wishes and congratulations on the long-awaited championship.

— What immediate goals do you set for yourself now? What would you like to change in the team’s game, which lines should be strengthened?

- I would like to strengthen each lane with good players so that competition arises, so that players strive to improve their level of play, and the team is constantly aimed only at winning in each match.

- Do you have the opportunity to follow the championship of Ukraine?

— Yes, I try to watch and keep abreast of events in the Ukrainian championship. Crisis "Dynamo"? I think the situation in the country with all the ensuing circumstances played its role. This affects the psychology of the players and the physical condition of the team.

- The World Cup is in full swing in Qatar, do you follow this tournament? Who do you think is your favorite and why?

— My favorites are France, Brazil and Spain. These teams are superior to their rivals in terms of the level of preparation, selection of players, individual and team play. I think that one of these three will take the "gold".

- With whom from Ukraine do you keep in touch and how long have you been in Kyiv?

- I have not been to the capital of Ukraine since June last year, but I try to keep in constant contact with friends, colleagues in football life. I try to keep abreast of events and the whole family is very worried about what is happening in Ukraine, which has become a second Motherland for me.

