The head coach of the Danish national team: "Our game at the 2022 World Cup was simply shitty"

2022-12-01 13:52 The head coach of the Danish national team, Kasper Humland, commented on the team's exit from ... The head coach of the Danish national team: "Our game at the 2022 World Cup was simply shitty"
01.12.2022, 13:52

The head coach of the Danish national team, Kasper Humland, commented on the team's exit from the 2022 World Cup.

Casper Humeland. Photo:

"There can be no doubt that we have not reached our level. Our performance at the World Cup was just shit. I tried to prepare the team as well as I could, spending most of the time I was awake. Little time, few days. We all had to pull together like a kick in the ass, but it didn't happen," Sport Arena quoted Humlanda as saying.

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