A well-known football functionary, the former president of Borisfen Borispol, Igor Kovalevich, announced the critical need to change the leadership of the UAF.
“I somehow moved away from Ukrainian football a long time ago, although I consider those 15 years directly related to it the best in my life. But after reading the information about the last executive committee of the UAF, and in general about what is happening now around it, and in itself, I can’t just keep silent. Too many links me to him.
I believe that during the time when I was directly involved in it, for those results and deeds related to its results and deeds, I have every right to express my opinion publicly.
I must say right away: I know too much, moreover, I am well aware of the activities of both the previous leadership of the FFU and the current UAF, therefore I consider their continued presence in Ukrainian football to be simply UNACCEPTABLE and CATASTROPHIC.
And if the previous leaders of the FFU at least immensely loved and love football, did a lot for it, then the current ones are people who love themselves around him more, and not football itself, who are nothing of themselves and have nothing to do with this wonderful and beloved game by millions. For them, this is just a source of personal material enrichment!
I do not mean Tolik Demyanenko, Oleg Protasov or Oleksiy Mikhailichenko, who have done a lot for Ukrainian football, inscribed their name, Ukrainian football itself, in golden letters in world history. Let them not be offended by me, I love them very much and I am proud that I can call the same Oleg and Tolik my friends, I have known and respected them for a long time. But now, alas, they are just a screen and such an entourage.
Based on what I hear, it is necessary to change not only the leadership of the UAF itself, but also the leadership of all its regional divisions, even if some of them have very worthy and professional people - this is also an absolute truth! And the sooner all this happens, the better!” Kovalevich wrote on his Facebook page.
Уже десятки раз комментировал, что из себя представляют так называемые уаф,пфл и его руководители, и сегодня, как подтверждение моей правоты, высказался человек, который знает саму систему изнутри,Игорь Ковалевич!
Не соглашусь только по поводу Протасова, Демьяненко и Михайличенко.
Они не ширма, как вы написали - они добровольно вошли в систему уаф из-за лёгких денег, потеряв при этом своё доброе имя!
Поэтому, не надо их "отбеливать"!
Надеюсь, что аферюгу павелка и его шобло - посадят, уберут из ФФУ.