Everton coach: “Mykolenko used to play in a team that used a low block in defense. We need time..."

Chelsea assistant coach Frank Lamard Ashley Cole expressed his opinion about the game of defender Vitaliy Mykolenko.

Vitaliy Mykolenko

“Mykolenko used to play in a team that used a low block in defense, so we need time to instill confidence in Vitaliy. He must know that he can boldly go forward, because the team needs him in the attack.

We see that the cornerback position has evolved. Now they not only defend, but also help in the attack: they make crosses, give passes to the penalty area, score goals. We are constantly pushing Mikolenko to this.

I see in him and Patterson a desire to learn. They show great enthusiasm and desire. I think they are gradually getting better. They need to play to realize these mistakes, then we can correct them during training, ”the Liverpool Echo quotes Cole.

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  • Eugene61 Dynamo(Eugene61) - Наставник
    07.12.2022 18:32
    Миколенко пока не может смело подключаться в атаку по одной причине, атакующие игроки Эвертона постоянно обрезаются и подключения Виталия превращаются в холостую беготню. А в случае провала его фланга, прежде всего журналисты и фанаты все неудачи на левого защитника и повесят. Дураков нет...
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