Roman Zozulya announced a collection for 47 ambulances (VIDEO)

The former forward of "Dynamo" and the national team of Ukraine Roman Zozulya announced gathering for 47 ambulances that will work in the frontline areas of Ukraine.

Zozul's novel

"Yesterday I read so many beautiful and sincere congratulations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and today I ask you to demonstrate once again how much we appreciate and support them not only with words, but also with actions.

We see how difficult the situation is in the East of Ukraine, but we believe in our defenders and above all we want each of them to return home alive. Therefore, together with the Ukrainian community in Spain, we are starting a collection for 47 ambulances that will go to the hottest points of the front to save our heroes.

The cost of the project is 300,000 euros. The amount is large, but the lives and health of our soldiers are priceless, so I believe that we can collect it as soon as possible," Roman wrote on Facebook.
