Manuel Neuer broke his leg on vacation (PHOTO)

The goalkeeper of the German national team and Bayern Munich, Manuel Neuer, after leaving the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, decided to rest and put his nerves in order.

Manuel Neuer (photo:

As a result, while skiing, the goalkeeper broke his leg, underwent surgery and now will not play until the end of the season.

The leadership of Bayern has so far reacted to such unprofessionalism of their captain only with words of support.

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  • Мирослав Костирко(kme) - Наставник
    10.12.2022 22:55
    В контрактах багатьох футболістів є пряма заборона займатися екстремальними (травмонебезпечними) видами спорту. Так що Нойєр може і на штрафні санкції нарватися.
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