Roman Zozulya: "Any help to the Armed Forces is already a contribution. You are all small parts of a huge chain called Ukraine!"

Former striker of Dynamo Kyiv, Dnipro and the national team of Ukraine, Roman Zozulya, about the importance of any help to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the fight against the racist bastards who have come to Ukraine from their smelly rooms without toilets.

Zozul's novel

"I communicate with a lot of volunteers, military and just people. And more and more often I notice that many people underestimate their importance.

There are people who are not at the front, but in the rear are doing a lot of things that bring victory closer. There are those who are not in Ukraine, but are ready to help 24/7. And most of these people say that what they do is minimal and not worth attention...

Friends, I want to tell you one thing: any help is already a contribution.

A person who did not drink coffee in the morning, but made a donation with this money, brought victory closer. A boy who simply drove a humanitarian cargo because his volunteer girlfriend asked him to - brings our victory closer.

Every step you take with any help to our military and Ukraine is important.

Remember that you are all small parts of a huge chain called Ukraine. And I thank you for your help. Material, physical, humanitarian or informational. Together we are the People's Army," Zozulya wrote on his Telegram channel.
