Former head coach of the Croatian national team Miroslav Blazevic talks about the success of his country's national team at the 2022 World Cup, as well as about the upcoming semi-final of the Argentina-Croatia tournament.
“Kicking Brazil out of the World Cup is on the brink of a miracle. But this Croatian team is clearly capable of doing miracles.
Upcoming match by Argentina? If I were our head coach, I would immediately send a message to the Argentines of this nature: “Do you really think that with the old Messi you will stop Croatia? But you don't stand a chance!"
I am well aware of the controversial character trait of Argentines. They are temperamental, emotional, instantly "flare up". They need to be involved in a conflict, then they easily give vent to emotions, which leads to a loss of concentration and game discipline. I would play this card.
Favorite World Cup 2022? I would be deceitful if I said that Croatia is going to become world champion. But I didn’t believe in the victory over Brazil either. Speaking objectively, the French team remains the main favorite for the 2022 World Cup. However, this is what I recently said to the head coach of the French, Didier Deschamps, who once played under my leadership at Nantes: “Didi, your teacher thanks you for all the compliments, but know that Croatia will ruin your plans!” words by Blazevic Sportske Novosti.
- "Мне прекрасно известна противоречивая черта характера аргентинцев. Они темпераментны, эмоциональны, моментально «вспыхивают». Их нужно вовлечь в конфликт, они тогда легко дают волю эмоциям, что приводит к потере концентрации и игровой дисциплины. Я бы разыграл эту карту".
А это высказывание Блажевича, разве не является провокацией в отношении Аргентины?!
Вот кто первый озвучил провокативность заявлений, тот и будет главным провокатором на футбольном поле!
Но я сегодня поставлю на Аргентину. Как по мне, то именно они станут ЧМ.
ЗЫ Но я за них совсем не болею. Просто исхожу из реалий)
Как по мне, англичане больше заслуживали на победу в том матче. Но это футбол...