The office of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on FIFA's refusal to broadcast the president's address ahead of the 2022 World Cup final Argentina-France with a peace message.

“Qatar supported the president’s initiative, but FIFA blocked it and will not allow his video message to be shown before the final match. FIFA has lost understanding of the importance of football as a game that unites peoples rather than maintaining existing divisions.
There is nothing political in the president's address, which gives a political coloring to a sporting event, namely, subjective assessments, political signals, and even more accusations.
FIFA still has time to correct the mistake. FIFA should not be afraid that the words of peace will be heard at a global football celebration that symbolizes peace,” the Office of the President said in a statement to CNN.
Recall that FIFA refused to broadcast this appeal to the head of the Ukrainian state within the framework of the World Cup. But who are the officials of a rotten, corrupt football organization to shut up the mouth of the President of an independent country that has been bravely fighting for its freedom for almost a year now? The world will still hear his words!
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