General Director of Shakhtar Donetsk Sergey Palkin in an interview with the NY Times commented on the start of CAS consideration of the claim of the Donetsk team against FIFA for 50 million euros.
— We want honesty and fairness. On the one hand, FIFA protects the players, but it must also protect the clubs. Two days before FIFA made the announcement, we almost had a contract ready: we had to sign the player the next day. We also had a sale agreement ready, but the buying club refused to negotiate after learning that it could register the same player for free.
All our attempts to negotiate with FIFA were met with silence for the most part. Several Ukrainian teams have applied to the governing body with a request to suspend their obligations to other clubs until normal work is established. FIFA, which has announced that it has earned $7.5 billion from the World Cup in Qatar, could also create some kind of compensation fund for Ukrainian teams,” Palkin said.
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