Roman Shirokov: “No one is waiting for Russia in Asia”

Russian football player Roman Shirokov spoke about the possible transition of Russia, which was thrown out as a terrorist country from all international football tournaments, to the Asian Football Confederation.

Roman Shirokov

“Let's be honest, no one is waiting for us there. Do Australia, Japan or South Korea want another contender for a ticket to the World Cup?

For some reason, they think that the big boss will call and decide everything, but this is far from the case: are these countries - Australia, Japan and South Korea - our great friends in the political field? Why did we decide that Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan would vote the way we wanted?

We still hear the cry of commands that we need to fly a lot, but we need to fly more to Asia. In my opinion, no one calculates the consequences, ”RB Sport quotes Shirokov.

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  • Дмитро Володимирович(antiKROT94) - Наставник
    22.12.2022 12:50
    Вас виродків проклятих ніхто ніде серед нормальних людей не чекає! Ваша помийка, під назвою росія в недалекому майбутньому взагалі перестане існувати!
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