Yuriy Vernydub: "We must remember that there are people who died for our peaceful future"

In an interview with the local newspaper "Puls", the head coach of "Kryvbas" Kryvyi Rih, Yuriy Vernydub, summarized the first round of the UPL, talked about the team's players and prospects for the next season.

Yuriy Vernydub (photo: fckryvbas.com)

Before the start of the season, did you recruit players? Can you say now that you've got some really good performers?

— I can't say that I took the players "under me". This did not happen. There was a long list. But really, those whom we really wanted to invite did not turn out. To be honest, many people refused us. But someone understood us, was not afraid and wanted to take a risk. For example, I really wanted to sign Kapich and Dibango. It worked out with Voloshin, although we only rented it. Mykytyshyn still. But even they did not "shoot" immediately. This is not surprising, because I have not worked with them for a long time.

Of course, I expected more from everyone. Everyone has their own psychology, mood. But we still have time. Only the first lap behind. The main thing is that the guys already understand what I want from them. Even those matches in which we lost showed a pretty decent game. Even after conceding to "Dynamo", I enjoyed the performance of my team.

Let's sum up the results of the first UPL in the performance of "Kryvbas".

— 15 rounds were played, there were good matches, but there were also some in which I was disappointed. Especially the first rounds. It was annoying not only that we couldn't win, but also that we couldn't score a goal. And it's amazing. After all, we have two high-level forwards: Khoblenko and Debelko. Let's just say the first round didn't go the way I wanted it to. Only the finishing sprint at the end of the first lap was successful. It was in this segment that we were able to score almost the maximum number of points and rise to eighth place.

Looking to fill a gap in essential performers this winter offseason? If so, which lines will you be boosting?

— Any coach wants reinforcements for the team, I am no exception. I can only say that the way we worked in the transfer market in the summer will not happen again. We only need those artists who can really strengthen the line-up. High-quality football players are needed for the position of central defender, striker, winger. I would like it to be a young player hungry for football.

Yuri Mykolayovych, you have already said in the press that the level of Ukrainian football leaves much to be desired. What is the first thing that unpleasantly surprises you?

— I was talking about refereeing. I have not been in the country for three years, and it has not changed, it has remained at the same level. There are a lot of unpleasant questions for referees, and I'm not afraid to talk about them. As for the level of competition, I would like to say the following. This is the first championship to be held in a country at war. The main thing is that it passes and it cannot help but cheer up.

Are you satisfied with everything in Kryvbas? How often do you communicate with management?

— Always in touch with president Kostyantyn Karamanits and club vice-president Artem Gagarin. We communicate, discuss. The president watches all our matches live. I like it. We often talk about football, about the team, about how we can improve its game. "Kryvbas" has a future.

Yuriy Mykolayovych, are there promising guys on the approach to the main team - pupils of the "Kryvbas" Academy?

— As of today, I still don't see Academy students in our team. I want to clarify, exactly those guys who would strengthen the squad. But I know, unfortunately, that after the start of the war, many of our talented young people went abroad. A small void was formed. But it takes time. Moreover, the president of "Kryvbas" is doing a lot to ensure that in the future only Kryvyi Rih students play in the main team.

You can't say much about the war. But still, what was valuable acquired on the front lines? For example, what you will not meet in a peaceful life. Are there any cases that surprised you?

— There were many moments in the war. This is a life lesson to learn. The main thing is that our guys did and are doing the possible and the impossible for us to defeat the enemy. Unfortunately, there are many losses and it is expensive. We must remember that there are people who fought for us and died for a peaceful future.

Your wishes to the true fans of Kryvbas.

— I really like the curvy fans. I didn't know that Kryvbas had such ardent fans. Again, about the war. Many of the fans of "Kryvbas", other teams currently on the front line, are also dead. They have eternal memory. And to those guys who are alive, I want to wish health and strength to drive the enemy from our land. We, in turn, will try to play so that they don't have a reason to be upset.
