Ukrainian journalist Roman Bebekh spoke about the psychological state of the former Dynamo Kyiv striker and the Ukrainian national team Artem Milevsky.
“Aliyev and Milevsky are now in different situations. The first Artyom retired from his football career earlier, by the beginning of the war he had been in search of himself for several years and was absolutely adapted to life after his career. And he, in particular, saw himself in life in case of war: Sasha immediately said that he would take up arms, and he kept his word.
Artem has a completely different situation. When the war began, he was still moving away from the end of his career, this is a very difficult process. The person is in search of himself. And the war dragged him into a depressed state even more. And he still hasn't come out of it.
We always want more from public people. But we often don’t know how to look at the situation as a whole, we don’t think about the fact that a person might just need support. And now we need to support Milevsky. Help him integrate into life. Aliyev has children, this is what motivates him to do something. And Milevsky is now completely alone, so this is a completely different story," Bebekh said in an interview with the Football 24 Youtube channel.
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Давайте почнемо з того, що у теперішньому стані винен сам Артем. В 30+ вже модна самому задуматися і про життя після футболу, і про створення сім'ї. Можна було не гулянками займатися, а вкласти гроші в якийсь бізнес (є спеціально навчені люди,які за певний гонорар розкажуть що, як і куди).
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