“If this really happens, well, goodbye, Russian football,” Andronov on the possible transfer of the RFU to Asia

Well-known sports journalist Alexei Andronov spoke about the upcoming transition of Russia, which was thrown out as a terrorist country from all international football tournaments, to the Asian Football Confederation.

Alexey Andronov

“If this really happens, well, goodbye, Russian football. As the saying goes, "Born in England, raised in Brazil, died in Russia".

And so there is no interest (optimism, uplifting), but if, of good will, you want to buy a Cossack instead of at least an Opel, if you wipe it with burdock, not paper, if you drink kombucha, not Angevin ... However , it is no coincidence that recently one commentator preached how bad it was for him in Paris, that false values ​​​​are being imposed there, and that you can live without him ....

It is also possible without rosfootball. Moreover, it is possible.

There is such a clever saying: Don't like your son-in-law? Then fuck your daughter yourself.

I still hope that the “turn of the northern rivers” will not happen...,” Andronov wrote in his telegram channel.

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