UEFA against the transfer of the RFU to the Asian Football Confederation

The UEFA leadership is opposed to the Russian Football Union (RFU) withdrawing from its composition and moving to the Asian Confederation. This was reported by a source familiar with the situation.

“UEFA, despite the current situation, does not want to lose Russia's membership in its organization. UEFA is in favor of a variant in which, after the tension of the geopolitical situation is reduced, Russian football will begin to integrate into European football again.

For UEFA, the loss of such a country will be a big reputational blow, even under the current situation,” the source added.

Earlier it became known that the RFU Executive Committee, which will be held today, December 23, will discuss the possibility of Russia moving from UEFA to the Asian Football Confederation.

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  • V А(av777) - Начинающий писатель
    23.12.2022 12:04
    Нехай УЕФА скаже прямо: "Ми не хочемо втрачати кацапські гроші." І плювали вони на свою репутацію.
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