Evgeny Aldonin: “In Europe, Russia was cut off, but in Asia everyone will be happy to see? What is the logic?

Former midfielder of the Russian national team Yevgeny Aldonin spoke about the possible transition of his terrorist country, thrown out of all international football tournaments, to the Asian Football Confederation.

Evgeny Aldonin

“I just can’t understand one thing: let’s say we want to move to the Asian league – will this change the situation? In Europe, Russia has been cut off from everywhere, but in Asia everyone will be happy to see?

International matches are needed. If we understand for sure that they are waiting for us there, and we will be involved, then we need to move on, because you can catch crayfish without fish.

I assume that our decision in favor of Asia will in no way affect the resolution of the situation. There is UEFA, there is FIFA, there are certain rules. If Europe is closed to us, then, I suppose, Asia is also closed to us.

If we close for UEFA, will we be open for FIFA? They can also say that we will not play in the World Cup. What is the logic? From the rearrangement of the terms, the sum does not change, ”Aldonin emphasized.

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