Sergey Rybalka: “There was an offer from Malaga. Khacheridi said: “We play here every year in the Champions League, and they are

Oleksandria midfielder Sergei Rybalka told how during his performances in Dynamo, Yevgeny Khacheridi dissuaded him from moving to Malaga.

Sergey Rybalka

“I had an offer from Malaga. During the training camp in Marbella, I met with the sports director. And I say to Khacheridi: “There is such an offer, they even offer a higher salary than in Dynamo.”

And he told me: “That, Malaga, we play here every year in the Champions League, we fight for the championship, and they are in 13-14th place.”

Antunesh also played in Malaga ... He said that they called him, asked about me, were interested. He said: "Go to Malaga, don't even think, this is Spain - top," Rybalka said.

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  • Виктор - Начинающий писатель
    24.12.2022 14:19
    Пусть наши игроки берут пример с хорватов и сербов. Те долго не думают, когда их приглашают западные клубы, а уезжают и развиваются как футболисты. А наши вечно не могут выйти из зоны комфорта и довольствуются своим положением.
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