"You just have to believe in your youth," the journalist said

The famous journalist Serhii Tyshchenko - about the Ukrainian generation of players born in 2001.

Sergey Tyshchenko (photo: facebook.com)

"In the 2019-2020 season, Ukrainian giants Dynamo and Shakhtar played in the UEFA Youth League. This is the generation of players born in 2001. In the group stage, the Croats from Dynamo Zagreb played Shakhtar twice (1:1 and 1:0), and in the playoffs they knocked out Dynamo Kyiv (victory in a penalty shootout).

Almost 3 years have passed since that time. Those players are already 21-22 years old. Which of them went on to adult football?

"Dynamo" Zagreb. Guardiol became a star. Who moved to "Leipzig" for 19 million. Now on the radars of "Chelsea", "Real", MC in the region of 70 million. His partner in the center of defense, Josip Šutalo, is a player of the Croatian national team. After leaving the team, Lovrena should play in the main. While he stayed in Zagreb. But the demand for this player is great. Supporter Franich moved to Wolfsburg in the summer for 7.5 million Hvoi, Karritza, Josypovych, Shipos, Yulandzhia - almost lost. The second greatest talent, Marin, is still unable to establish himself in Zagreb.

"Dynamo Kyiv. Zabarny is the leader of the first-team defense. Vivcharenko - shares the left wing of the first team with Dubinchak. Nesheret is Buschan's understudy. Bilovar went to Cyprus. Tsitaishvili changed his citizenship and has been playing in Poland for the second year. Shulyansky, Skorko, Biloshevsky, Voloshyn are players of "Alexandria". Isaenko plays in "Colossus".

Shakhtar: Mudryk is the UPL's best player and the leader of Shakhtar's first team. Trubin is the first team's primary goaltender. Bondarenko and Sudakov are first team players. Kryskiv, Sikan, Ocheretko are rotation players. Kozik is a youth team. Muravskyi played for FC Lviv.

As we can see, everything is not so bad and Zagreb has no advantage. Especially against the background of Shakhtar. You just need to believe in your youth and engage in it," Serhiy wrote on Facebook.

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  • bam73
    Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    25.12.2022 21:41
    Как видим, не все так плохо и никакого преимущества у Загреба нет. Особенно на фоне «Шахтера»
    Может автор хоть сам себя почитает. Загреб продал Гвардиола за 19 и его могут перепродать с чего Загребу ещё перепадет .Опорник Франич летом переехал в «Вольфсбург» за 7,5 млн.

    А из шахты и ДК продаж ноль.

    "... и никакого преимущества у Загреба нет. Особенно на фоне «Шахтера»" Фигась...

    Потому что у них "Мудрик — лучший игрок УПЛ" . Думаю рыдать или смеяться....перекурю...
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