Alexey Andronov: “There is nothing wrong with the fact that there are 48 teams at the World Cup. The question is how to play

Well-known Russian journalist Aleksey Andronov expressed his opinion on the format of the next World Cup, in which 48 teams will play for the first time in history.

Alexey Andronov

“Expansion is clear – this is a trend. More countries, more involved, more sales. Recently, the Euro was also expanded, and Copa America would have been expanded - but nowhere.

It is clear that the tournament, held by three countries, is suitable for expansion - there is nowhere better. In principle, there is nothing wrong with the fact of 48 teams. The question is how to play.

Strangely, before the tournament in Qatar, the main option was 16 groups of three teams each. I think this is obviously stupid. Firstly, there will be wild injustice - two teams will play with an interval of 3-4 days, and the third will have a week between matches. Secondly, to go to the 2026 World Cup in order to go home after playing 2 matches - who cares?

But already during the tournament in Qatar, it became clear that FIFA was continuing consultations. And perhaps there will be groups of 4 teams. It remains to understand how and how many teams will come out. Ideally, create a formula so that the third matches in the group continue to matter for everyone. The Euro is a great example here.

And the most, in my opinion, overdue is to get away from the pre-drawn playoff grid. Spain showed what happens with this. Everything must be decided by lot. There are some logistical inconveniences, there will be a headache with scheduling, but in general, this model is more efficient. And if the tournament drags on for a week because of this, I think everyone will react with understanding, ”Andronov is quoted as saying.

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