Former coach of the Ukrainian national team Myron Markevich commented on the information that Oleksandr Petrakov will leave the national team.
- Miron Bogdanovich, journalist Igor Burbas said that the UAF will not continue cooperation with Petrakov. How do you evaluate his period in the national team?
- What he could do, he did in such a difficult time. It’s a pity, of course, that the team didn’t make it to the World Cup. I can't say it was all that bad.
- Is this decision of the UAF logical?
- Coaching is such that if there is no result, then expect that they will not renew the contract with you.
- You are the only national team coach in history who has played more than one match, but has not been defeated. There is such a historical fact. Would you agree to lead our national team? Were there any contacts with the UAF and with Pavelko in general on this issue?
— We had an agreement. For the sake of this, I worked with the UAF for five years, because there was an agreement - Shevchenko leaves, and I will coach the national team. But it didn't work out. I don’t know what the circumstances are and who was for or against. I'm not interested anymore.
- If you now received an offer to lead the Ukrainian national team, what would be your answer?
— You need to think about this question. A year ago, such an offer was relevant to me. I was ready and, to be honest, I really wanted to. But it didn't work out.
- How do you assess what is happening now in Ukrainian football? UAF needs a reboot?
— I don’t think that this is the main issue in our country now. The main thing is to survive in the war, and who will lead there and how is not important. Moreover, now this is not the main issue.
— There are rumors that Andriy Shevchenko can become the president of the UAF. Do you think he is the right person for this position and will he be able to change something?
- I know that he wanted to be a coach and prepared. And what kind of leader he is - it's hard for me to say.
- Do you plan to return to coaching?
- I feel fine and I'm considering options, but not just to go - to train. I would like to work with good players so that there is a perspective. So it's just not interesting.
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