Lionel Messi's room in the Qatar University dormitory can be turned into a museum (PHOTOS)

The room on the Qatar University campus where Argentina captain Lionel Messi lived during the 2022 World Cup could become a small museum.

Qatar University Campus

The room that Lionel reportedly shared with his best man Sergio Aguero will no longer receive guests, according to local newspaper Al Sharq. Instead, plans have been unveiled to turn the area into a mini-museum, where all the items touched by the Paris Saint-Germain star will be preserved in all their glory for other students and visitors.

"Argentina national team player Lionel Messi's room will remain unchanged and will only be available for visitors, not for accommodation. Messi's belongings will be a legacy for students and future generations, as well as a witness to Messi's great achievements during the World Cup," Qatar University Director of Communications and Public Affairs Hitmi Al Hitmi was quoted as saying by Al Sharq.

We will remind that the 35-year-old football player was recognized as the best player of the 2022 World Cup.

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  • YARY
    Ярослав(YARY) - Эксперт
    28.12.2022 20:14
    Домик Петра-1 в Киеве тоже был музеем, потом - общественным туалетом.
    В конце 90-х - снова сделали музей....
    Пора собирать петицию за туалет!!!
    Точно так же и домик (иностранца) Месси не стоит искусственно делать музеем, достаточно просто вывески для туристов. Пройдёт время, поменяются ценности и будет обидно, если что-то изменится....
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