Lviv goalkeeping coach convicted in Belarus made a statement

Lviv goalkeeping coach Vasily Khomutovsky, who was sentenced to two years of restriction of freedom without being sent to an open correctional facility, made a statement.

Vasily Khomutovsky

“I want to appeal to those who, without my and my family’s consent, recognized them as political prisoners the day before the trial. If you consider yourself human rights activists, then you should help people, and not create informational noise the day before the trial without the consent of relatives and friends. Please do not consider me a political prisoner," the coach quotesPressball ".

It should be noted that during these two years, Khomutovsky will not be able to leave Belarus, and therefore return to work in the Ukrainian club.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    30.12.2022 17:37
    Вот прям так и вижу, как он это заявляет не пристёгнутым к батарее и без подведённого к телу тока....
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