Atalanta rejected Marseille's offer for Malinovsky

The Italian "Atalanta" refused the offer of the French "Marseille" for the midfielder of the national team of Ukraine Ruslan Malinovsky.

Ruslan Malinovsky. Photo - Getty

The Provencals wanted to rent Malinovsky and were even ready to pay for it, but this deal format did not satisfy Atalanta.

The Italian club is ready to consider the option of leaving Malinovsky, but only in the form of a full-fledged transfer and for a solid amount of 20 million euros. This is significantly higher than Marseille's capabilities, which is why the French withdrew from the negotiations, but continue to "keep their finger on the pulse."

It is interesting that the information about the terms of Malinovsky's contract with Atalanta gets rather contradictory to the press - some sources report that it will expire in the summer of 2023, others insist that in the summer of 2024.
