"Now Ronaldo will grow a beer belly and walk around the pitch?" - a journalist

Setanta Sports commentator and journalist Ihor Boyko commented on Cristiano Ronaldo's employment at Saudi Al-Nasr in his Telegram channel.

Ihor Boyko

"I wonder if Ronaldo, having moved to Saudi Arabia, will remain the same crazy professional? Will he swing, run, squat or, like a normal player in this championship, grow a beer belly and walk around the field? Ronaldo could not end his career with dignity. This is already a fact. From a football point of view, it is worthy, because there will be so much money there that you can forget about everything," Boyko wrote.

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Best comment
  • Shapych - Эксперт
    01.01.2023 18:17
    Все він закінчив гідно.
    Те, що буде в Азії, до кар'єри ніякого відношення не має.
    Пеле і Беккенбауер теж закінчували в США. На той час Штати в футболі (вони його навіть футболом не називають) і близько з нинішніми Саудами не зрівняти
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