“We cannot allow these competitions to take place at all,” Olga Saladukha about UEFA’s intention to hold a tournament on the ter

People's Deputy of Ukraine, former Ukrainian athlete Olga Saladukha commented on the information about the possible holding of the tournament under the auspices of UEFA on the territory of the terrorist country - Russia. Earlier, Russian media reported that Volgograd would host a football tournament among youth teams under the auspices of UEFA.

Olga Saladukha

“UEFA has decided to allow this tournament to take place in May 2023. And you need to sound the alarm now! It is necessary to actively cover this whole story in the media. We cannot allow this tournament to take place at all. Well, how is this possible?” Saladukha said on the air of the Kyiv TV channel.

Recall that the UAF has already turned to UEFA regarding information about the possible holding of the mentioned football tournament among youth teams on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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