Roman Zozulya: "The enemy definitely did not expect that our air defense forces would be able to show such results"

Roman Zozulya, the former striker of Dynamo Kyiv, Dnipro and the national team of Ukraine, reacted to another massive missile attack on Ukraine by the army of a small-town region called "Russia", which took place during the New Year holidays from December 31 to January 2.

Zozul's novel

"Good morning friends!

This night, the occupiers again carried out an air attack on our cities. It was loud in Kyiv, Dnipro, Mykolaiv. Flying drones and one missile are aimed at destroying the energy structure of our cities.

The enemy, as always, tries to do something nasty to the civilian population. On the battlefield, they do not achieve their goals, so they use tactics of intimidation of ordinary residents of the city.

They believe that without light, heat and communication, we will be begging for a stop to the war and a peace treaty, according to their rules.

But these rats forgot the main thing: we are Ukrainians. Strong and indomitable people. We'd rather be without light than with these bastards.

And finally: they certainly did not expect that our air defense forces and fire groups involved in the destruction of aerial targets would be able to show such results.

We believe in the Air Defense Forces, the Armed Forces and Ukraine!" Zozulya wrote in his Telegram channel.
