Ex-midfielder of Kyiv "Dynamo" Vitaly Samoilov told what he thinks about the present of his former club.

"How do I like the current Dynamo? Hard question. It seems to me that I am one of the few football players who played under Lobanovsky, who will support Dynamo until the end and be his advocate. Other well-known football players who played for "Dynamo" are starting to "drive" the team, the Surkiss. I can listen to it, but I don't want to say it myself, even if I have such an opinion or I am dissatisfied with the game.
I can express a position purely from a football point of view, but don't start running into them and berating them with different words. I have this position: "Dynamo" until the end - and that's it. There will be no other club in my heart. Earlier they talked about Dynamo hearts. So I have a Dynamo heart. No matter how badly they play, I will still support Dynamo. I will never be able to insult the club or any of the football players. Yes, I can say that some of them are less technical, but I will never destroy, "bury", Samoilov said.