Vitaly Samoilov: "It probably wouldn't have happened with another president of Ukraine"

The ex-midfielder of Kyiv "Dynamo" Vitaly Samoilov spoke about his volunteer activities, and also spoke about the role of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhnyi in the current war against the Russian Federation.

Vitaly Samoilov

"I think I'm normal. Like everyone else. From the first days of the full-scale invasion, I started volunteering because people very close to me went to war. I work more as a loner. At first, I helped these people. They make orders for what is needed, and based on this, I understand how much money is needed and where to buy what. Always bought from USA. Found through a man from the Ukrainian diaspora who has been living there for many years. He helped me get everything here - to Kyiv. The delivery was made at his expense. And I already bought everything I needed.

At the beginning, overalls were very important, because there was nothing anywhere in Ukraine. And then there are optics, night vision devices - everything that is needed for scouts. More orders from them were in the summer. Received and sent something every day. Now this work has decreased a little, but there is still a lot to choose. Moreover, it is winter, and specific winter clothes are needed.

And I started helping ZSU in 2014. I have friends from the 8th regiment of the Khmelnytsky special forces, and I have been helping them for 5 years. I bought everything they needed. And now they already help me in some ways - they gave me uniforms and helped me with advice.

What do I think about Zelenskyi and Zaluzhnyi? I already told my workers that with another president of Ukraine, it probably wouldn't have happened. In this regard, Zelenskyi is a good man - he persevered in the most difficult days, did not go anywhere and stayed with the people. He put Ukraine first, and then himself. Many have said how he can be president, and time has shown everything.

I know that all the military are behind Zaluzhny with both hands. If it weren't for him, it would be much more difficult for us," said Samoilov.

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  • Дмитро DK(pdi) - Старожил
    06.01.2023 11:01
    Є люди з усталеним світоглядом, життєвими принципами . Відповідно до цього і формується їхнє ставлення до тієї чи іншої події. Для них головне життєві принципи. Тому якби Порох почав би робити чи казати те, що суперечить цим принципам - він бі втратив їхню підтримку. Серед прихильнікв Зеленського на першому місці не принципи а особистість. Тому їхня позиція часто змінюється синхроно з тим як змінюється позиція їхнього лідера. Наприклад прихильники попроха ніколи не визнають патріотом людину, котра порівнювала Україну з порноакторкою, томос називала термосом, сенйор голодомор. Для прихильників Зеленського це не принципово. Вони вчора могли щиро говорити 'какая разніца' а завтра 'Слава Україні', могли вчора доводити що " мову на хлєб не намажиш" а завтра відстоюватимуть мову, висміювали Томос а завтра робитимуть протилежне. Був такий вираз "Їх мненіє колєбалось вместе с лінієй партії". Це характеристика прихильників Зеленського. Вони не обирають у відповідності до своїх принципів бо в них їх немає. І якщо завтра Зеленський змінить свою думку до чогось\когось вони синхронно зроблять це саме. А єдиний телемарафон цьому допоможе.
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