William Gallas: “Mudryk is a great player. But I don't think Arsenal needs him now

Former London Arsenal defender William Gallas spoke out about the fact that his former club is actively trying to get Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder Mikhail Mudrik.

William Gallas

“I am sure that Mudrik is a great football player. But I don't think that Arsenal needs him so urgently, right now, for the second part of this season.

I can, of course, be wrong, because I am not inside the club, the team, but from the outside it is clearly visible that now Arsenal has not only a formed squad, but also a bench, each player of which can equivalently substitute in position for his partners in team.

In any case, if Arsenal think that the club needs Mudrik now, they know why. If he is the one who will help the team become the champion of England, then, of course, he must be taken, ”Genting Casino quotes Gallas.
