Everything for Ronaldo: Saudi Arabia is going to change the law

Saudi Arabia is set to change its marriage laws to allow Al-Nasr star Cristiano Ronaldo to live with his girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez.

Georgina Rodriguez and Cristiano Ronaldo

According to local law, unmarried couples cannot live under the same roof in Saudi Arabia. But a way out of this situation has been found - the country's authorities are going to change their marriage laws to allow Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez to live together. This is reported by EFE (Spanish independent news agency).

Recall that Cristiano Ronaldo signed an agreement with Al-Nasr for 2.5 years, according to which he will earn about 200 million euros per year.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    07.01.2023 16:30
    А в законе так и пропишут: "Для Криштиану и Джорджин"?
    • 1