“Everyone whose voice sounds in unison with Russian artillery will be isolated,” Zelensky on sanctions against Tymoshchuk and hi

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on the imposition of sanctions against Russian athletes and other persons supporting the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Recall that in this sanctions list there was also a place for the traitor of Ukraine, the former midfielder of the Ukrainian national team Anatoly Tymoshchuk.

Vladimir Zelensky

“Today there is the first such sanctions list. And in the future there will be the following decisions on sanctions against such persons. Everyone whose voice sounds in unison with the roar of Russian artillery will be isolated from the civilized world," Zelensky said in his next address to the Ukrainian nation.

Recall that Tymoshchuk, who, with the start of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, not only did not terminate the contract with his Russian employer, but also did not voice his position on Russia’s relative military aggression, was deprived of his PRO coaching license in Ukraine, as well as all titles and awards. He is simply deleted from the history of Ukrainian football. In addition, Tymoshchuk was deprived of the title of honorary citizen of Lutsk, where he was born.

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Best comment
  • Алекс Кучад - Эксперт
    08.01.2023 11:08
    А скільки таких "тимощуків" в самій ще Україні!!!
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