The head coach of Brugge promised to release Yaremchuk in the starting lineup for the next match

The new head coach of the Belgian Brugge Scott Parker promised that in the next match of his team, the Ukrainian striker of his team Roman Yaremchuk will enter the field in the starting lineup. The reason for this decision of the mentor was the injury of the main striker of Brugge Ferran Yutgla.

Scott Parker

“The absence of Yutgla is not a problem, because I believe in Yaremchuk to no lesser extent. Yes, he was under a lot of pressure because of the amount of his transfer (Yaremchuk's transfer to Brugge from Benfica was a record for the Belgian club - ed.), and this is understandable. But the main thing is that Roman works hard and wants to progress,” said Parker.

Thus, according to the Brugge coach, Yaremchuk will be in the starting lineup of his team for the home match against Anderlecht in the 20th round of the Belgian Championship, which will take place next Sunday, January 15.

This season, Yaremchuk took part in 13 Brugge matches, but only in four cases was he in the starting lineup. And of the effective actions, he has two goals and two assists.
