A Fanday.net correspondent visited the opening of the Indestructible Ambulatory built by the Surkis Brothers Foundation. At the event, it was possible to record an interview with the honorary president of Dynamo, Grigory Surkis.

“I could never imagine that in the 21st century a person could take such an aggressive step towards a country that they called brotherly”
- Grigory Mikhailovich, did you believe that in six months the construction of the Ambulatory of Indestructibility would be completed?
— To be honest, I am not an optimist and not even a theoretician. I am a practitioner. If we undertook, then we will bring the matter to the end. A clear task was set for the company that we chose. And they not only did an excellent job, but also demonstrated that there are builders who can build an outpatient clinic in a short time. In my opinion, they managed to score five. The Ambulatory of Invincibility should be an example of building in a short time.
- Is it symbolic for you to start the new year with such discoveries?
- It's nice to do good deeds not for yourself and your family, but for people who have suffered from Russian aggression. I could never imagine that in the 21st century a person could take such an aggressive step towards a country that they called fraternal and used to speak the same language with us. Today we [with Russia] are separated by red lines that will be imprinted on the genetic level of our children, grandchildren and other generations for centuries to come.
“I do not want to comment on what is happening in the UAF. Let the law enforcement agencies that are handling this case take care of it.”
— Now let's talk a little about football.
— With me about football? And what do I have to do with him? I don't play football, I'm not the president of a football club. I am only the honorary president of Dynamo. Well, let's talk (smiles, - approx. FanDay).
- Around the UAF presidential elections, the situation is not easy. Are you going to submit your candidacy, and how do you generally comment on what is happening there?
- I do not want to comment on what is happening in the UAF. Let law enforcement agencies handle this case. As for whether I'm going to run for the UAF President, I will answer this way. I don't step into the same river twice.
For 12 years of being the head of the FFU, I think I have done a lot. Everyone knows this: both journalists and society. I am proud that I was involved in hosting Euro 2012 by Ukraine. Nobody believed in this. It was very hard to get this right, but it was even harder to keep it, because in 2008 there was a global financial crisis, in 2009 there was a political crisis.
It was very difficult to make UEFA see that we are ready to fulfill our responsibilities. With Poland, a separate conversation, because they received a lot of money from the European Union. And it was very difficult for us during the struggle for the presidency in 2008-2009. However, we managed to hold the final part of the European Championship, and UEFA said that it was the best tournament in recent years.
Secondly, back in 2014, I had something to do with the meeting between the fifth president of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko - approx. FanDay) and UEFA President Michel Platini. Platini then told Poroshenko: “Your colleague, who is sitting next to us, made a hole in our head, demanding that the Champions League final be held in Ukraine. We will give you this right sometime in 2019-2022 if Surkis helps.” This was received with applause and smiles. But I said, “No. We should get this right in 2018.”
I was almost a prophet, Baba Vanga, so to speak, because no one could even imagine what would happen in 2022. But then I had one thing in mind - our country should host the Champions League final before Russia (write with a small letter) hosts the World Cup. This is how we got the right to host the 2018 Champions League final in Kyiv in 2016. I'm proud of it.
- How complicated is the procedure for applying for a candidate for the position of UAF President?
- You need to look at the regulations. I have never in my life seen a regulation that would monopolize the right of one person to be in this position for such a long time. FIFA and UEFA regulations are standardized for all national associations. These statutes state that the President of the Association is elected for four years. In our country, they came up with the idea that for some reason the president of the UAF is elected for five years. You can start with this, but today I do not want to interfere in these processes and comment on them.
I am not fighting for the position of UAF president. I can only speak within the framework of my experience about those things that should exist in the football environment - this is, first of all, equality. Not only certain people who are trusted by the President of the Association, but also representatives of the clubs should participate in the processes of the UAF. When I was the president of the FFU, the executive committee of the Federation included eight or nine representatives of the UPL clubs. Then this right was, to put it mildly, destroyed. In my opinion, this is not appropriate.
“Vukoevich is not removed from Dynamo, which he considers his home club. It’s just that there were such circumstances - his mother is ill. ”
- Oleksandr Shovkovskiy returned to Dynamo, who will work as an assistant to Lucescu. Do you see him in the future as the head coach of Dynamo?
- Shovkovsky returned to his native club, which was never closed to him. My brother and I always communicated with him. He is a native person for us, because he gave Dynamo most of his conscious life. He did not go abroad, but devoted his entire career to Dynamo. He is a great goalkeeper and person.
He worked in the national team, but today the headquarters of the Ukrainian national team has been disbanded, and no one knows who will be the head coach. Therefore, the president of Dynamo made an offer to Shovkovsky to join Lucescu's headquarters as an assistant. I would like to remind you that Vukojevic, whom we respect and love, should be in Croatia due to family circumstances. But he is not removed from Dynamo, which he considers his native club. It's just that there were such circumstances - his mother is ill.
But Lucescu needs an assistant, so Mister met with Shovkovsky. They discussed what Sasha would do at the club. Will he be the head coach of Dynamo in the future? It is difficult to say what will happen in two years, when Lucescu's contract ends. We don't know what will happen in the country tomorrow, so let's not fantasize.
Interviewed by German Kalandarishvili