"If Petrakov with the national team of Armenia does not immediately produce results, he can be quickly fired," - ex-Shakhtar goa

Yevhen Hrytsenko, the former goalkeeper of Shakhtar Donetsk and the youth national team of Ukraine, who currently plays for the Armenian "Van", shared his thoughts on Oleksandr Petrakov's prospects at the head of the national team of Armenia.

Evgeny Hrytsenko

"On the whole, the Armenian national team is remotely similar to the Ukrainian national team, but much weaker, as evidenced by our two confident victories in the League of Nations (3:0 and 5:0). I saw Armenians only in these matches. But they also have players who can produce results. And with a coach who is used to giving results, this symbiosis can work. It will be very interesting to follow Petrakov's work in Armenia.

But, you know, in Armenia today it is one way, and tomorrow it is different. Changeability is their characteristic. Therefore, if Petrakov does not immediately produce results, then, I think, he can be fired quickly. So I wish him to be very careful and considerate.

What can the Armenian national team claim with Petrakov? I believe that the Armenians can show a good result in the League of Nations, even fight for first place and promotion in the division. A worthy result awaits Petrakov there. But in the selection for Euro-2024, the Armenians are unlikely to be able to count on anything," Hrytsenko quotes "Ukrainian football".
