Alan Pliev resigned as the first vice-president of the UAF

The first vice-president of UAF, Alan Pliev, said that he is leaving his post, but will take up a new one.

Alan Pliev (photo:

"Dear friends, I want to inform you that I will leave the position of the first vice-president of the UAF and will hold a new one - the first vice-president of the UAF (on a public basis). I continue to work for the good of Ukrainian football and make maximum efforts for the further effective work of our regional humanitarian headquarters. I believe in the imminent victory of Ukraine over the enemy and I contribute to it within the limits of my strength and capabilities. Glory to Ukraine!" Pliev wrote on Facebook.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    18.01.2023 10:12
    ))) Пацанская должность для руководителя "группы силового реагирования" павелки и исполнителя всех рейдерских захватов непокорных областных федераций...)))
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