"It will be difficult for Petrakova. Armenia's level is three times lower than Ukraine's," said an analyst of the Ukrainian nati

Avraham Kampomar, an analyst of the Ukrainian national team, commented on the appointment of the former coach of the Ukrainian national team Oleksandr Petrakov as the head coach of the Armenian national team and assessed his prospects with this team.

Abraham Campomar

"It will probably be difficult for him. The level of this team is about three times lower than Ukraine, especially when there is no Mkhitaryan.

But Petrakov is an ambitious coach, he won the youth world championship not with an advanced national team. Therefore, he can create a good team in Armenia as well, give him confidence, and mold the result from what he has.

I am sure that there are individuals in Armenia that Petrakov can count on. I think he has already drawn certain conclusions from our matches with the Armenians.

Didn't Petrakov invite you to the national team of Armenia? No. No one has called yet. I don't even know who will be part of his coaching staff in Armenia. If an invitation comes, I will evaluate and think. A lot will depend on working conditions and the team's goals," Campomara said "Ukrainian football".

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