Darijo Srna: "If not for the war, the price of Mudrik would have been much higher"

Football director of Shakhtar Donetsk Darijo Srna spoke about the amount of the transfer of now former club midfielder Mykhailo Mudrik to London Chelsea - 100 million euros.

Dario Srna

“If there hadn’t been a war, Mudrik’s price would have been much higher. Misha showed the whole world that he is one of the best players in his position. Look what he showed: we lost 14 players, and at the age of 21 he took on a huge responsibility and became one of the leaders of Shakhtar during the Russian aggression. He had an amazing chance, and he took advantage of it, ”The Guardian quotes Srna.

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  • Мирослав Костирко(kme) - Наставник
    20.01.2023 13:58
    "Если бы не было войны", то й далі грали б бразильці, а Мудрик би час від часу виходив на заміну.
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