"Dynamo" Kyiv has started preparations for the spring part of the season in Turkey. The day before, the Kyiv nationals spent the whole day getting to Antalya, near which the Kyiv nationals will hold the entire assembly, training at the Mardan Sport Complex.

In the same full-fledged stadium with fairly large stands, the "white and blue" held all training sessions and control matches during last year's Turkish training camp.
Saturday was the first working day at the new assembly, on that day the Kyiv residents held two training sessions - morning and evening. The players started work with great enthusiasm and zeal. The morning session was preceded by an intensive warm-up. Next, the players broke into pairs, practicing short passes, after which they honed a short pass already in groups, moving in a circle.
It should be noted that from the first session, the Kyiv players started working with the balls, having done a lot of running work during the Kyiv stage of training.
The work with the balls continued in the evening training, during which the team focused on game exercises. First, by dividing into two teams on a large field. Next, the players practiced finishing attacks with shots at the goal from a medium distance.
And at the end of the lesson, one of Dynamo's favorite game exercises took place - divided into three mini-teams, they held a traditional tournament. This time, the winners of the mini-tournament were the following team of defenders: Denys Popov, Oleksandr Syrota, Mykyta Burda, Ilya Zabarny, Anton Bol, Vladyslav Dubinchak, Kostyantyn Vyvcharenko, Tomas Kendzora, as well as goalkeeper Valentyn Morgun. The other two teams had to carry the goal after the training session was over, and the winners were released from that mission.
It should be noted that Vitaliy Buyalsky returned to training in the general group. Artem Besedin will join her in the coming days. Bohdan Lednev, who returned from his loan, has also been training in the group since the first day.
On Sunday, "Dynamo" will continue working in the regime of two training sessions.