The former president of Spartak insulted the nation of Bulgarians, calling them "professional traitors"

The former president of Spartak Moscow Andrey Chervichenko, commenting on the refusal of the Bulgarian Levski to hold test matches with Russian clubs during the training camp, insulted the entire nation of Bulgarians. The typical behavior of a representative of a shitty non-country called "Russia".

Andrey Chervichenko

“I will make a short digression into history: the Bulgarians are professional traitors. This is a nation that constantly betrays Russia, which constantly harnessed itself for it. In all wars, the Bulgarians were against us, although most of all they shouted that they were brothers.

To be surprised that they act in this way ... Their behavior does not cause me any surprise. I don’t know why anyone is surprised by this,” Chervichenko said.

Recall that the refusal to play with the Russians "Levski" is connected with the terrorist essence of the current Russian Federation. The club made this decision after the protests of its fans, who, among other things, hung a banner with the inscription "Do not legitimize Putin's terrorism."

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  • Александр Днепровский(Interholding) - Старожил
    22.01.2023 11:21
    Профессиональные предатели - это когда ты из каждого утюга визжишь про "одиннарот", а в то же время подло воруешь территории у "братушек", трусливо стреляешь по мирняку со своей территории и даже сцышь признать, что это делаешь ты, а потом с теми же воплями про "одиннарот" начинаешь полномасштабную войну, тысячами убиваешь мирных граждан, насилуешь детей, воруешь трусы с унитазами и при этом визжишь, что ты кого-то освобождаешь.
    Это главное, что надо понять жиртресту с телевизоров в заплывшей жиром голове! Болгарам искренний респект!
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