Zabarny topped the rating of the most expensive Dynamo players

After Viktor Tsyhankov left Dynamo Kyiv, defender Ilya Zabarny became the most expensive player in the capital club according to Transfermarkt. His current transfer fee is estimated at 15 million euros.

Ilya Zabarny. Photo — Y. Yuryev

The second in the conditional ranking of the most expensive Dynamo players is the team's goalkeeper Georgiy Bushchan, who is estimated at 10 million euros. Well, the midfielder of the "white-blue" Nikolay Shaparenko closes the top three - 9 million euros.

TOP 10 most expensive Dynamo players according to Transfermarkt:

1. Ilya Zabarny - 15 million euros

2. George Bushchan - 10 million euros

3. Nikolay Shaparenko - 9 million euros

4. Vitaly Buyalsky - 8 million euros

5. Sergey Sidorchuk - 4 million euros

6. Tomasz Kedziera - 3.5 million euros

7. Alexander Karavaev - 3 million euros

8. Denis Popov - 3 million euros

9. Alexander Sirota - 3 million euros

10. Vladimir Shepelev - 2.5 million euros

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Best comment
  • Мирослав Костирко(kme) - Наставник
    25.01.2023 11:46
    Там же написано - "по данным Transfermarkt". Досить авторитетний, до речі, сайт, хоча реальна ціна продажу гравців часто з їх оцінкою не співпадає, причому може бути як вищою, так і нижчою.
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