Pavelka's post is once again raving about bots from India and Bangladesh — now they liked the meeting with journalists (SCREENS)

UAF President Andriy Pavelko reported on his Facebook about the 2.5-hour meeting with journalists - he thanked for the "absence of a "warm bath" and promised to "meet more often."

Andriy Pavelko

In a day, the post gained more than 1.5 thousand likes and 316 shares. Mainly, Alan Pliev wanted to share the publication (after all, Pavelko justified his Russian passport at that meeting) and people from Bangladesh and India.

Pavelka's post was directly shared 39 times out of 316 shares, of which only 7 were pages of Ukrainian origin.


Funny enough, three times the user Jibonta Khob Koster shared the post in the TikTok Follower group, a group of three people. A local secret fan club of Andriy Vasyliovych?

Other shares (which are 277 pieces) had privacy settings (for friends or friends of friends) - it is impossible to check them. Apparently, they were also carried out by bot farms - they just "do not burn".

The page "Football today" and the users "Yuriy Pochyotny" and "Pochyotnyy Yuri" (a person with this name works as a vice president of UAF) attracted attention and distribution. They also had their shers of 101, 96 and 104 respectively.

There are very few publicly available shares of them, but "Football Today", a page with 4 thousand readers, also caused a stir among our old friends from India and Bangladesh.

The page itself does not look like just a set of Pavelko's reposts - there are really sports news from various media. There is also a republishing of a column by Shakhtar's director of strategic development, Yury Sviridov, about the fact that Pavelko should leave - but, apparently, the Bengals did not like it. Maybe they just didn't come across it.

However, only reposts from Andriy Pavelek's page receive abnormal distribution.

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  • Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    26.01.2023 16:20
    Слон бы тебе насрал на голову...
    • 4