"Our hatred will always not be enough. We need more," — Zozulya about the Russian missile attack on the residential quarters of

The former forward of Dynamo Kyiv and the national team of Ukraine, Roman Zozulya, spoke about the reason for another missile attack by a scumbag under the name of "Russia" on Ukraine. That night, the enemy shelled Kharkiv again.

"At night, the enemy struck Kharkov. There is a hit in a residential building. In the video you can see the consequences of the rocket's arrival.

Again on civil. Again at night. Insidious and vile. As always. People just sat in their apartments. And these creatures hit them with a rocket.

You know, there are no words to describe how much you have to hate them... the Russians don't deserve to ever be forgiven. They are freaks. Bad things And our hatred will always not be enough. We need more," Zozulya wrote on his Facebook page, adding the above video.

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  • Жозе Галицький(zoze) - Наставник
    30.01.2023 14:57
    Вже і на Шуріку русня еб++а,зі своїм "Артёмовском",вони як щури скрізь позалазили.
    Коли вже захід дасть потужну отруту ?Щоб забути їх назавжди.
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