"Dynamo" midfielder Anton Tsarenko commented on the 2:2 draw in the control match against the Austrian club "Austria Lustenau" on the air of the club's TV channel.
— These are our first matches, we are just getting used to each other, building relationships. So these games are a bit edgy. You see: two defeats, one draw. Everything is ahead, we are working and I think that with each match we will add. Yes, they lost 0:2, but in the course of the meeting they corrected themselves, although of course this is not the maximum.
— With the score of the first half, is the overall result positive?
— "Dynamo" usually strives only to win, always, in every match, it adjusts to the maximum of its game.
— How did debutants Kremchanin and Ponomarenko play?
— I was also in their place. No problem, we are all friends, the boys were well received.
— Aren't you sometimes responsible for the moral adjustment of newcomers?
— (Smiles.) I do not know. I'm still young and I have a lot to go through. My teammates always support me.
— How will the team prepare for the game with Polissia?
- As always. Probably, there will be two trainings, loads, this is the main thing at the meeting. It is necessary to prepare for the championship and correct the situation.
Одначе не варто уподібнюватися старшому поколінню та шукати виправдання. Достатньо було зазначити, що в перших матчах зіграли відверто незадовільно.
За часів Лобановського нікому не прийшло б на думку виправдовувати поразку, а тому він збороняв під час зборів давати будь-які інтерв'ю.