Ilya Zabarny: “Russians kill our people, children and women every day. The world needs to know about this."

FC Dynamo Kyiv defender Ilya Zabarny, commenting on his transfer to the English Bournemouth, could not get around the topic of the occupation war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Ilya Zabarny

“There is a real war in Ukraine now. This is very difficult for all Ukrainians and, in particular, football players. Yes, I am Ukrainian, now in England. But for me, it is important for me that looking at me here, people remember the Ukrainians and the war in Ukraine.

It's all very hard. All this time I lived in Kyiv. It may be safer in this city than in other places in Ukraine, but Kharkiv, Kherson and other Ukrainian cities are attacked by Russians every day. They kill our people, children and women. This is bad. It is necessary that the whole world knows about this, ”Zabarny said in a comment to the Bournemouth press service.

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  • Смажелюк Василь - Наставник
    01.02.2023 23:04
    Молодчинка Забарний!
    Світ повинен знати правду про рашизм, і дуже добре, що і Забарний, і Миколенко, і Зінченко відкрито говорять про це на ввесь світ, а не обнімається, як дехто.
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